Abdominal Cupping

Abdominal Cupping
The abdomen is the epicenter of the human body. There are visceral (internal) organs contained in the abdomen and musculature for maintaining postural health. Abdominal cupping can be very effective for various issues. It can help with bloating, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and acid reflux, and irregular/painful menstruation as well as scar tissue (C-section).
Benefits of Abdominal Cupping
• Releases scar tissue.
• Shifts trapped emotions.
• Comforts irregular menstruation.
• Helps with digestive issues such as acid reflux, constipation, and IBS.
• Relieves bloating and irritation from certain foods, and also helps promote lymph drainage.
Symptoms of ACID REFLUX
• Burning pain in the chest
• Belching
• Nausea, Having difficulty swallowing, Bad breath

Abdominal cupping clears stagnation and lymph from the colon and also creates space in the diaphragm and ribcage.
Constipation affects many, many people.
Defecation is a crucial body function and most of our population experiences irregularity at some point in their lives.
Symptoms of constipation are:
• Cramping and nausea
• Having infrequent bowl movments/irregular bowel movements more than 3 times a week

The causes of constipation :
• dehydration
• poor nutrition
• medications
• lack of exercise
• too much fiber
Perimenopause Stage
Perimenopause is a transitional stage between pre-menopause and menopause. This stage typically begins in a woman’s 40s and lasts for several years. During this time, the results of hormonal shifts will become noticeable as the ovaries slowly stop working. As estrogen production slows and fewer eggs are released, common perimenopause symptoms such as the following often occur:
Shorter and increasingly irregular periods
Frequent changes in mood
Hot flashes and night sweats
Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
Aching joints or muscles
Menopause Stage
Menopause can affect women ranging from their 30s - 60s. However, the average age of menopause onset in American women is 51. To be considered in menopause, a woman must not have had a menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. The ovaries have stopped working entirely and are no longer releasing eggs.
For menopausal women, hot flashes are the most common complaint. In addition, these hot flashes may be accompanied by an increased heart rate. Women may also notice decreased breast fullness, thinner hair, increased growth of facial hair, or urinary incontinence as the pelvic floor becomes more relaxed.
Post-Menopause Stage
Once a woman has surpassed a full year without a menstrual cycle, she is considered to be postmenopausal. She will remain in this stage for the rest of her life. Fortunately, during this time, the symptoms that marked the perimenopause and menopause years begin to subside, leaving most women more physically comfortable. However, due to decreased estrogen, the risk for health conditions such as osteoporosis and heart disease increases during this time. For women who have reached the postmenopausal stage of life, a healthy lifestyle and hormone replacement therapy can be key to keeping hormone-related complications at bay.